I am a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, headquartered in The Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami. I completed my PhD in sociology at Cornell University in May 2023.
My research examines the way cultural, economic, and political forces converge to hinder efforts aimed at addressing the ecological and climate crises. Within this framework, I maintain several research streams examining the role of the media and political elites in articulating, interpreting, and shaping responses to these crises, as well as looking at the question of the undue influence of powerful organizations and political elites to obstruct the transition to more ethical and sustainable consumption systems. My work has been published in Science and Public Policy, Climatic Change, and Communications, Earth & Environment among others, and has been featured in a US Senate congressional hearing in 2023, as well reported in The Conversation, Salon, and The Nieman Journalism Lab.